Gunda’s Cotton Candy Heart

From every place I've been to that has too many people I got to be around with, I would mostly have one person I like the most for certain things I see in them. And that's not always for the reason that I get a chance to be very close with them or spend time with them.

If you know me being close with people at Poems, I have a favourite person there. I have a favourite person among the friends I met through the Tiru trip. I had a favourite friend from my partner's close friends list. I have one everywhere it seems. And how would the mountains be any different?

Meet Gunda. I first met him with his pet Shakti. Every time I looked at her, Ila came to my mind making me feel tender thinking about the little ones who put all their trust in humans.

Gunda has a habit of dropping things on the floor, accidentally. And I have a habit of picking things people drop. Not because I'm very kind of a person, but because it comes very involuntarily. The third or fourth time we both found ourselves in this cycle, we laughed about this with a friend and he asked me why am I always kind, and to also be aware of people who might take advantage of the ways we are. Even when I wanted to say that it's okay & I know where to stop too, I didn't, because I was happy. Happy not really for the compliment, but for seeing someone who has an eye for kindness in others. On one of the following days I found two bits of paper with little scribbles someone wrote for themselves while I was working at the reception, reading those made me smile. Another day, he wrote something for Samsaara & it almost felt like the universe hugging me. And on one following night when I thought I am incredible at pretending cool, Gunda asked me if I'm alright.

I feel so happy seeing sensitive men around me. Men who tell us that their hearts are fragile. Who know themselves very well. Who see kindness in people. Who takes care of animals. Who claim their space. Who love to cook. Who are wonderful hosts.

And here's Gunda.

You say that your heart can be mistaken for cotton candy. While we laughed at it that day, I want to tell you that the candy heart of yours is the greatest of gifts you've got.

Treasure it. ❤️


Kind People are the Best Teachers


Jatin Has an Eye for People